The United Way of Central Indiana (UWCI) hosted a Community School Coordinator Summit with more than 30 participants on February 7, 2018. Dr. Monica Medina, IU School of Education IUPUI, and Jim Grim, IUPUI Office of Community Engagement, facilitated the professional development event.
This half-day Summit, sponsored by the Mayor’s Office of Education Innovation, Indianapolis Coalition for Community School Partnerships, IUPUI and UWCI, covered roles and responsibilities, best practices and challenges, Latino family engagement, diversity, inclusion and equity and how to work with school leaders.
UWCI reports that 100 percent of the participant evaluation responses reported the experience met or exceeded their expectations. Topics of interest generated at the Summit will determine future discussions, beginning with a session on Trauma-Informed School Communities that will be held on April 17, 2018 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at the UWCI, 2955 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis.
“Given the level of interest and response, we have tapped into a real need for school and community professionals throughout the city,” Jim Grim said. “It is great that so many groups invested in this work collaborated to make it happen. Doing so reflects goals we collectively established as part of Indy Plan 2020 for public education in the city of Indianapolis.”
Contact Jim Grim at jagrim@iupui.edu for more information.